Miami Beach Polo World Cup
The Raleigh hotel is set to be the official social center for polo players and VIP guests, and is also the official host hotel of the sixth annual Miami Beach Polo World Cup.
After spending the day enjoying the polo festivities on Miami Beach, VIP guests will unwind at The Raleigh’s private La Martina lounge, created specifically for the series of events from April 22‐25. La Martina will have a special retail store in the upper lobby of The Raleigh, offering The Raleigh’s branded polo team clothing, and other specialty merchandise from La Martina.
The Raleigh is hosting an exclusive opening event, the AMG South Beach Women’s Polo Cup II Press Conference and Cocktail Hour (by invitation only). Following the cup finals and awards ceremony, The Raleigh will also serve as co‐host location of the official AMG Miami Beach Polo World Cup closing party.
As in previous years, some of the world’s top polo players from the United States, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, as well 80 Argentine polo ponies, will participate in the four‐day world class sporting event.
The Raleigh will co‐sponsor the AMG men’s team, led by Argentine seven goal player and Ralph Lauren model Nacho Figueras, who was recently voted second most handsome in the world by Vanity Fair. Major event sponsor AMG is basing preview testdrives of the new 2011 Mercedes‐Benz SLS AMG performance car at The Raleigh
Wednesday, April 21st 7– 9 p.m.
Press Conference and Cocktail Hour
Sunday, April 25th 7:30‐10 p.m.
AMG Miami Beach Polo World Cup Closing Party
April 21‐25 All Day
La Martina VIP Lounge in The Raleigh hotel lobby for players and VIP ticket holders
The Raleigh Hotel
1775 Collins Ave
Miami Beach, FL