Jet Ski & Wave Runner Rental
Miami Beach offers a golden opportunity for Wave Runner activity on Biscayne Bay. Go from Miami Beach, past the beautiful mansions on Star Island, to downtown Miami, to Government Cut where the cruise ships depart, and back again, all in a 5 mile radius.
(By the way, that’s our man Buster from A3TV in the photo tearing it up on Biscayne Bay.)
Jet Ski and Wave Runner rentals are provided at the following locations:
Boucher Brothers
1451 Ocean Drive
Miami Beach, FL
(305) 535-8177
Jet Ski Tours of Miami
1416 18th Street
Miami Beach, FL
(305) 538-7547
WaveRunner Rentals
532 NE 27th St
Miami, FL
(305) 573-6993