Jerry's Famous Deli, originally built as Hoffman's Cafeteria
There is a wide range of architecture that’s often attributed to “Art Deco,” but the fact is, Miami Beach has several distinct styles of architecture, not the least of which are “Streamline Moderne” and “Nautical Moderne.”
Streamline Moderne and Nautical Moderne were forms of architecture that had their roots in the clean aerodynamic designs produced in the 1930s. Both forms were created from concepts such as “the spirit of modernism” and emphasized smooth, curving shapes and long horizontal lines interspersed with nautical elements such as portholes and mock-wheelhouses.
Streamline Moderne reached its peak in the late 1930s precisely when Miami Beach was experiencing a boom in hotel and apartment construction.
These are a few prime examples of Miami Beach’s Streamline Moderne & Nautical Moderne architecture…
(photos © Miami Beach Magazine)